REAL ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, December 6th Real Estate sells at 12:00 Noon
Address of Real Estate: 306 Mill Avenue NE, Montgomery MN REAL ESTATE will be sold from the Montgomery Auction Barn in conjunction with Mary’s personal property. Auction Barn is located at 303 Montgomery Ave SE (Hwy 21) Montgomery MN 56069. One and a half story fixer- upper home on approx. 40ft x 144ft lot. Home is 27ft. x 25ft. with an enclosed 6ft. x 24ft. front porch and an 8ft x 8ft back entry. Two bedrooms & full bath upstairs, 1 bedroom downstairs. Two car detached 22ft x 26ft garage w/ 2 – 9’x7’ steel garage doors. Ally access to garage. New shingles on house and garage in 2005; some windows & doors have been replaced; new Weil-McLain gas boiler hot water furnace in 2008; gas water heater & water softener new in 2010; newer electric breaker panel; gas stove & refrigerator sell with house. Legal Description: Richter’s 1st Addition Lot Numbered Four (004), in Block Numbered Twenty-Two (022) in the City of Montgomery, Le Sueur County, Minnesota Parcel #22.641.0170 Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, no warranties or guarantees. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Scott Marek of Montgomery, phone 507-364-8616, with $5,000 earnest money to be paid by winning bidder to Marek Law Office Trust Account at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing at Marek Law Office approximately 30 days following auction, at which time balance of purchase price is due in full. Earnest money paid is non-refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice & expense. Pre-inspection & prearranged financing must be in order prior to auction. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, judgment, and inspection. Auctioneer represents seller. Property taxes of $776 for 2015 have been paid by the seller. 2015 estimated market value: $70,500. No buyer’s premium charged. For viewing contact Dan Turek at 612.756.0704. Mary Ellen Jindra, Owner Auctioneer’s note: Mrs. Jindra is moving to Park Manor and has hired Turek’s Auction Service to sell her home & personal property to the highest bidder.
Pictures available at Terms for Personal Property: Cash or check with/driver’s license (sorry, no credit or debit cards). No Buyer’s Premium Charged. We are required to charge Minnesota state sales tax. Picture ID required for bidding number. Buyer is responsible for items after purchase. All items must be paid for immediately following auction and before removing items. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents. All items sold “AS IS” and all sales are final – no exceptions
Real Estate & Personal Property AUCTION
Sunday, February 22 12:00 Noon
In case of severe winter storm auction will be held following Sunday, March 1st. Call to confirm.
349 Sharon St E Le Center MN 56057
Directions: At Casey’s on Hwy 99 go 2 blocks North on Cordova Avenue then East on Sharon St.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 1:00 pm
No buyer’s premium charged-sells to highest bidder with court approval.
Large approx. 75’ x 200’ lot with 1 ½ story 24’ x 35’ home; kitchen, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, full bath on main floor; upstairs bedroom; full basement w/partial bath; breaker panel; natural gas furnace; central air; small garage; mature maple trees on lot.
Legal Description: Emery Addn Block-001 W ½ of Lot 12 & E 25ft of Lot 13 City of Le Center, LeSueur County, Minnesota
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Mike Boyle. Winning bidder at auction must pay earnest money in the amount of $5,000 made payable to the Mike Boyle Trust Account at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing with Attorney Mike Boyle of 519 Center St, New Ulm (507.233.3900) in approx 30 days or sooner at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice and expense. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over prior written or verbal statements. Estimated market value for 2014 is $84,200. Property taxes $962 for 2014. For viewing of real estate contact auctioneer Dan Turek at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
Complete Houseful of Personal Property sells at 12:00 Noon
Hull w22 10 1/2” pink & gray basket; Red Wing pottery; milk glass rolling pin w/green handles; lock box “Compliments of Mandan Mercantile Company”; jewelry; advertising items; pocket knives; old aviator goggles; ‘57, ’58, & ’60 Le Center McKinley Mirror year books; 1899-1949 Golden Jubilee St Mary’s Church pin; old games; American Flyer toy train w/metal track; crock bowls; old mirror; large picture of lady playing piano w/mirrored frame; postcards; fancy work; embroidery & sewing items; sewing buttons; kerosene lamp; metal Uncle Sam’s 3 coin register bank; set of Noritake china; depression glass; misc. dishes; B Laupunkt wooden table top radio; (4) 1977 proof sets; wheat pennies; (2) 1914 Canada One Cent pieces; old Christmas items; small glass display case; recliner; coffee table; hutch; table & chairs; desk; small tables; cedar chest; rocking chair; magazine rack; small drop leaf table & chair; vintage oval formica table & 4 chairs; porcelain top cupboard base; small wooden cupboards; wooden card table; trunk; tree lamps; Movedades Editores small adult comics printed in Mexico; bedding; religious items; Kirby vacuum; Maytag washing machine; Roper gas dryer; Whirlpool refrigerator/freezer; hand tools; ice chisel; old fishing equipment; thermoses; new Yard Machines by MTD 22” 179cc self propelled snow blower; Snapper LE 14.5hp 38” hydro riding lawn mower; True Temper 10cuft 2 wheel trailer; Snapper Whipper push mower; wheel barrow; garden tools; tubs.
Terms: Cash or check with/driver’s license (sorry, no credit or debit cards). No buyer’s premium. Picture ID required for bidding number. Buyer is responsible for items after purchase. All items must be paid for immediately following auction and before removing items. Not responsible for accidents. All items sold “AS IS” and all sales are final – no exceptions. 80 ACRE FARM
Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:00 Noon
42922 Kilkenny Road Kilkenny MN 56052
Directions: 9 miles south of Montgomery on Hwy. 13 OR 7 miles north of Waterville on HWY 13 THEN 2 miles east on CoRd #2 (Dodd Road) to Kilkenny MN, then 1 mile north of Kilkenny on CoRd #3 (Kilkenny Road).
Watch for Turek’s Auction Signs.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 2:00 pm (No buyer’s premium charged)
Property has been surveyed with a total of 80.56 acres (approximately 52 acres tillable) in Kilkenny Township, Le Sueur County, with 26’ x 32’ rambler. Newer vinyl siding & shingles. Kitchen w/newer cupboards, dining/living room, 2 bedrooms, full bath on main floor. Finished basement with 3/4 bath and kitchen area. Home has an LP furnace, LP water heater, and 500gal LP tank, central air conditioning, Detached 22x22 garage w/18’x7’ garage door. 40’x63’x14’high galvanized shed with 20’x14’ sliding doors. 24’x36’x10’high galvanized shed. 16’x24’ workshop. 3000 bushel Sioux round grain bin. Deep well. Large Aermotor windmill. Many mature trees & evergreens on property. Property is adjoined by state land on south side of farm.
Legal description:S ½ of SW ¼ of Section 15-110-23, Kilkenny Township, Le Sueur County, Minnesota, subject to easements and roadways of record.
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Personal Representative, Attorney William J. Marek of Montgomery MN, phone 507.364.8616. Winning bidder at auction must pay earnest money in the amount of $20,000 made payable to the Marek Law Office Trust Account at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing at the Marek Law Office, 205 1st Street S, Montgomery, on or before October 20, 2014, at which time the balance of the purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title. Earnest money paid is non-refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Septic inspection indicates that a new septic system would be required by July, 2015, at buyer’s expense. Possession of home and building site to buyer on date of closing; possession of the tillable property when 2014 crops are removed from the premises. seller to receive all of 2014 crop rental income. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. Seller has paid 2014 real estate taxes in full. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Recess may be taken prior to final bid. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over prior written or verbal statements. For viewing contact auctioneer Dan Turek, at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
1965 IH Farmall 706 gas, wide front, T.A., cab, 3pt., like new rubber, 4356 hours, w/Vaughn 2 way loader & 2 way 7ft dirt bucket; 1950 Farmall H w/trip bucket loader; 1947 Farmall H; 1943 Farmall H; 4 sets of tire chains.
Snapper SR1642 riding lawn mower w/16hp V-twin, 42” deck; Case model G-16 3pt 8 ft rear blade; JD No5 6ft hydraulic lift sickle mower w/cylinder; 8ft wheel lift field cultivator; Lindsay running gear w/hoist & 8x14 hayrack & sideboards; drag sections; Chevy pickup box trailer; Delta Force 1hp air compressor; 10” Delta table saw; Lincoln 225 amp Arc AC welder; McCulloch Pro Max 700 chainsaw; McCulloch 10-10 chainsaw; Stihl FS46 trimmer; McCulloch 28cc gas trimmer; Century battery charger; handi-man jack; Vulcan anvil; Wilton vise; cistern pump; CI Deering seat; milk cans; 4 ½’ x 8’ tin Pepsi sign; manuals; ice tongs; two man saw; washboard; 2 aluminum extension ladders; live trap; wheel barrows; 2 wheel cart; garden tools; axes; pile of lumber; rolls snow fencing; hayrack of tools & misc.
Remington 12 ga pump shotgun; H & R 20ga single shot shotgun; Marlin Glenfield model 60 - 22 cal auto rifle; Stevens 22 cal auto rifle; Remington model 514 - 22cal single shot bolt rifle
Norman E. Gieseke Estate
Attorney William J. Marek, Personal Representative AUCTION Real Estate & Personal Property
Sunday, October 19 12:00 Noon
201 Minnesota St E (Main Street) Le Center MN 56057
REAL ESTATE – sells at 1:00 pm (No buyer’s premium charged)
Large L- shaped corner lot with 2 story home converted from duplex to single family home; separate exterior entrance to second floor; home is approx. 25’ x 50’ w/14’x21’ sunroom addition; approx. 25’ x 30’ garage and alley access; Mature trees and shrubs on lot.
Legal Description: Block-009 Lots 1-2 less E55ft & Lot 3, City of Le Center, Le Sueur County, MN ID#20.470.0630
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney William J. Marek of Montgomery (507.364.8616). Winning bidder at auction must pay earnest money in the amount of $10,000 made payable to the Marek Law Office Trust Account at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing at Marek Law Office, 205 1st Street S, Montgomery, on or before November 19 at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice and expense. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over prior written or verbal statements. Taxable market value for 2014 is $101,000. Property taxes for 2014 paid by seller. Final real estate bid may be subject to Minnesota Department of Human Services approval. Earnest money refunded if high bid not accepted. For viewing of real estate contact auctioneer Dan Turek at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
Personal Property sells at 12:00 Noon
P.D. Beckwith round oak stove; old corner shelf; primitive cupboard; walking cultivator; bookshelves; wall shelf; old stools; chests of drawers; beds; desks; wooden chairs; single & double washtubs; glassware; knick knacks; lamps; bedding, quilts, fancywork; sewing items; material; mirror; pictures; small drop leaf formica table; dehumidifiers; upright freezer; refrigerator/freezer; washer; dryer; household furniture; canners; roasters; kitchen items; garden & hand tools; Craftsman grinder; table saw; planer; boat oars; much miscellaneous.
Evelyn J. & Thomas J. Engelrup Real Estate & Personal Property
Sunday, October 5, 12:00 Noon
307 Mill Ave NE Montgomery MN 56069
Directions: In Montgomery on Hwy 13 at Casey’s turn East on Boulevard Avenue to 3rd St NE then North 1 block.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 3:00 pm (No buyer’s premium charged)
Approx.55’ x 130’ lot with 24’ x 30’ one and a half story home with 8’ x 13’ enclosed front porch and a 5’ x 6’ enclosed back porch; living room, kitchen, full bath, 2 bedrooms on main floor with additional large room on 2nd floor; wooden trim and interior doors original to home; full basement; Amana High Efficiency 90 gas furnace, Amana Prestige central air, water heater, water softener, updated electrical service; 20’ x 20’ garage w/ 10’ x 7’ steel door with alley access; newer shingles and vinyl siding on house and garage.
Legal Description: Lot 008 Block 007 Columbia Heights Addition, City of Montgomery, Le Sueur County, MN
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Rick Lea of Montgomery MN, phone 507.364.8606. Winning bidder at auction must pay earnest money in the amount of $10,000 made payable to the Lea Law Office Trust Account at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing at the Lea Law Office, 106 1st Street N, Montgomery, on or before November 6, 2014, at which time the balance of the purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non-refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice & expense. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Recess may be taken prior to final bid. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over prior written or verbal statements. Taxable market value for 2014 is $74,900. Property taxes for 2014 of $1000 have been paid by seller.
For viewing of real estate contact auctioneer Dan Turek at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
Personal Property sells at 12:00 Noon
Spoon carved wardrobe; (2) 1940’s bedroom set w/celluloid pulls; round oak table w/5 leaves; oak chairs; drop front desk; oak library table; small tables; Singer treadle sewing machine; Lane cedar chest w/bottom drawer & others; high top antique bed; spinning wheel; bamboo easel; Philco wooden table top radio; mantle clock; floor & table lamps; blonde Duncan phyfe table; kerosene “Search Light” bicycle/buggy lantern; Model A & T car parts; child’s rocker; Murray Turbo Drive pedal tractor; T.M. Roberts, Minneapolis large cast iron bell; Czech glass; cranberry & depression glass; wooden boxes w/writing; Toledo scale; wainscot wood box; copper boilers; coal buckets; AMPI Drink Milk tin signs; assorted Red Wing crocks; wooden egg crate; kerosene lamps; handmade quilts; Sportsmaster red wagon; flat top trunk; large sausage stuffer; Fire King bowls; spice tins; rocking horse; advertising yard sticks & other advertising items; old pictures & frames; drum set; record albums; religious pictures; blue & white & other enamel ware; kraut cutter; meat saw; meat grinders; washboard; wash tubs; square tub W/cover; benches; Ertl & other collector cars; tractor & machinery manuals; canners & canning jars; salt & pepper sets; new roaster oven; Christmas items; lots of material; new Munsingwear, Vasserette, & baby items in original boxes; bedding, towels, linens Avon collectibles; GE Profile side-by-side refrigerator/freezer; GE 10 cycle washing machine & GE 7 cycle dryer – both front load & on risers; newer recliner; household furniture; wishing well yard ornament; garden items; Gilson snow blower; Murray snow blower; Gilson garden tiller; Complete house full - hundreds of boxes that have been packed for years to be gone through before day of auction.
Terms: Cash or check with/driver’s license (sorry, no credit or debit cards). No buyer’s premium. Picture ID required for bidding number. Buyer is responsible for items after purchase. All items must be paid for immediately following auction and before removing items. Not responsible for accidents. All items sold “AS IS” and all sales are final – no exceptions. Real Estate & Personal Property ESTATE AUCTION
Sunday, August 4, 11:00 AM
48674 221st Avenue Elysian MN 56028
Directions: 3 miles north of Elysian on County Road 11 then ½ mile left on 221st Ave. OR
1 mile north of Waterville on Hwy 13, then 6 miles west on County Road 12, then left ½ mile on 221st Ave.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 1:00 pm (No buyer’s premium charged)
5.07 acres in Elysian Township 109, part of the southeast quarter of Section 16, in Le Sueur County, MN with 30’ x 44’ rambler. Kitchen w/laundry, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, full bath on main floor. Hardwood floors & cedar lined closets. Refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer & freezer sell with home. Block basement with 3/4 bath and root cellar. Home has a Trane XE90 LP furnace (in 1999) and leased 500gal LP tank, Trane XR13 central air conditioning (in 2007). Newer water softener. Electric panel and basement plumbing have been updated; new 5” well in 2002; 24’x75’triple door wooden machine shed with leased 250gal LP tank. Many mature trees on property. Property is adjoined by CRP land. Complete legal description available on website. Property just surveyed.
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Michael Keogh of Le Center, with $10,000 earnest money to be paid by winning bidder at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing with Attorney Michael Keogh (507.357.2278) 65 S Park Ave, Le Center, in approximately 30 days or sooner at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Property taxes for first half of 2013 have been paid by seller. Open House for viewing real estate will be Monday, July 29th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. For information contact auctioneer, Dan Turek, at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
TRACTORS & AUTOMOBILE (sells at 12:45)
Clean 1965 Farmall 656 gas tractor w/TA, 3pt, N.F., 4497 hours, SN#11960, w/ New Idea loader & 2 way hyd bucket; 1941 Farmall H tractor SN# 58247 FBH; Bush hog pull type PTO mower; 3ft Seaman rear rotary tiller; 15ft hyd wheel disk; 1993 Ford Taurus GL, 3.0 V6, 81,000 miles, current tabs, some rust.
Oak gentleman’s dresser; oak dresser w/mirror; antique square oak parlor table w/glass ball claw feet; upright Sonora phonograph; 3 drop front desks; dining room table & chairs; hutch; cranberry hanging lamp w/prisms; Red Wing vases; spinning wheel, oak rocker w/leather seat; wooden table radios; brown snuff jar w/bottom raised star; bean pots; lanterns; enamelware; pottery; sad iron; wooden clothes dryers; washboard; Hubbard feed sacks – 1 from J.I. & C.V. Simpson, Waterville; Marigold cream top milk bottle; old kitchen accessories in original boxes; antique CI toys; old games & books; old child’s folding table & chairs; lighted deer picture; cookie jars; “Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co.” walk in safe door; glassware; figurines; couch w/end recliners & matching recliner; corner entertainment stand; bedroom sets; twin beds; chests of drawers; quilts & bedding; material & craft items; usual household appliances & furniture; several boxes of fruit jars, many blue; cream separator; old snowmobiles (Ski-daddler Sno Scout, Polaris Charger, ’75 Suzuki XR 400, Arctic Cat Cheetah 400, Skidoo Super/Olympique, Super Stinger 440); old snowmobile parts; Chevrolet & Ford V8 engines; old car parts; engine stand; old implement manuals; older riding lawn mowers; Lindsay wagon hoist; several Farmall grills & hoods; tools; 300 gal gas barrel & stand; 5hp garden tiller; turkey feeders & waterers; scrap iron; corrugated side & roof tin on a 30’ x 70’ building to be taken off by buyer.
Laura Radloff Trust Estate
Real Estate & Personal Property AUCTION
Sunday, September 11, 1:00 PM
107 Columbus Avenue N New Prague, MN 56071
Directions: Turn North off of Main Street (Hwy 19/13) on Columbus Ave N. at St. Wenceslaus School.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 3:00 pm (No buyer’s premium charged)
26’ x 42’ foot rambler built in 1969 with 14’ x 40’ garage built 1n 2001 on large 56’ x 150’ lot. Open kitchen and dining area with vaulted/beamed ceiling in dining area, living room, two bedrooms (11’ x 14’ & 9’ x 13’), full bath and laundry room on main floor. Finished basement with kitchen area, main room, 3/4 bath, root cellar, storage rooms & utility room; The following appliances sell with the home: RCA gas stove, Amana refrigerator/freezer, GE dryer, Maytag washer, Signature 15cu ft freezer, GE digital window air conditioner. plus older stove & frig in basement. Home has a Lennox hot water boiler w/ baseboard heat, A.O. Smith Energy Saver water heater, & water softener. New shingles & paint 3 years ago. Garage is insulated and sheet rocked with 9’ x 7’ insulated garage doors on each end for drive through. Lot is landscaped and has a large garden. Very nice home.
Legal Description: Section 34 Township 113 City of New Prague, Scott County, MN
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Dennis Moriarty of Shakopee, with $10,000 earnest money to be paid by winning bidder at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing with Attorney Dennis Moriarty (952.445.2817) 206 Scott Street, Shakopee, in approximately 30 days or sooner at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice & expense. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgment. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. 2011 Estimated Market Value is $141,300. Property taxes for 2011 ($1942) paid by seller. For viewing contact auctioneer, Dan Turek at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
AUTOMOBILE (sells before Real Estate)
2000 Chevrolet Impala 3400 – V6, loaded with cloth interior, 4 door- 54,500 miles, gold. New tires. Clean car.
5 gal. Red Wing Beehive jug (chip); “State Bank of Belle Plaine 1882-2002” small crock; meat saw; Edwin M. Knowles china; 78 rpm record albums; wooden clothes drying rack; washboard; tin picnic basket; advertising yard sticks; Land O’ Lakes thermometer; lg. water pitcher; pictures & frames; army blankets; enamel top table w/slide in leaves; small wooden cupboard; blonde bedroom set w/ full size bed, double dresser, & mirror; lg early American rocking chair; cedar chest; old round folding table & chairs; old square Maytag wringer washer; rugs, pillows, bedding & quilts; “Fast Track” exercise machine; canister vacuum; fans; console stereo; entertainment center; roasters; pressure cooker; canner; blue canning jars; canning supplies; sewing machine; sewing and craft items; office chairs; Kenmore Air cleaning system; folding chairs; banquet table; assorted chairs; formica table & chairs; humidifier; dehumidifier; handicap items; coolers; portable kerosene heater; space heaters; collection of baseball caps; globe; lamps; glassware, dishes, & kitchen items; knick knacks; 8 ft windmill; old reel type lawn mower w/ 3hp motor; Wards 3.5/22” push mower; Toro CCR 2000 snowblower; Toro 5hp tiller w/ newer motor; Coast to Coast 3.5/20” push mower; fertilizer spreader; garden tools; aluminum & wooden extension ladders; aluminum & wooden step ladders; hand tools; appliance cart; fishing rods; lawn chairs; plus more miscellaneous.
Severin & Rosella Riesgraf - owners
Auctioneer’s note: Having moved to Kingsway Retirement Apartments in Belle Plaine, Mr. & Mrs. Riesgraf have decided to sell their real estate, car, and personal property at live auction with no buyer’s premium.
Real Estate & Personal Property
Sunday, May 1 12:00 Noon
110 4th Street SW (Hwy 13/21) Montgomery MN56069
REAL ESTATE – sells at 3:00 pm
Physical Description: 2 story 29’ x 35’ brick home on 50’ x 166’ lot: 4 bedrooms, eat in kitchen, living room, 1 ½ baths, hardwood floors. Full basement; Appliances sold with home. Detached single garage w/ additional storage. & small storage building.
Legal Description: Sect 9 Twp 111 Range 023 AC 50’ x 166’ of SE ¼ of NE City of Montgomery, LeSueur County
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, no warranties or guarantees. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with $7,500 earnest money to be paid down by winning bidder at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing by Charles J. Lawson of Global Closing & Title Services in Eagan MN in approximately 30 days or sooner at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice & expense. Pre-inspection & prearranged financing is encouraged prior to auction. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, judgment, and inspection. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. 2010 Estimated Market Value was $127,900. Seller shall pay first half of property taxes for 2011. Buyer shall be responsible for second half of 2011 property taxes No buyer’s premium charged. For viewing of real estate contact auctioneer, Dan Turek, at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
Auction will start at 12:00 noon with coins: 1900 S $20 gold piece, Coronet type; Morgan silver dollars: 1904 S, (2) 1879S, 1889, 1891 O, 1900 O, (6) 1921 S & D; Peace silver dollars: (11) 1923, (6) 1922, 1926; Eisenhower dollars; Liberty Walking half dollars: 1927, 1937, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944; Franklin & Kennedy half dollars; 1867 Three cent nickel; 1883 Liberty V nickels; Indian head pennies: 1864, 1889, 1890, 1899, & 1900’S; Mercury dimes; silver quarters; old nickels; paper money: (5) Red Seal 1928 $2 bills; 1935 $1 Yellow seal; large $5 bill – May 15, 1907, M8720, Security National Bank, Minneapolis; Coins will not be on site until day of auction.
Old chests of drawers; press back chairs; telephone bench; small trunk w/ wood trim; wooden benches; iron bed; RW crocks & jugs; lots of old sewing items – scissors, patterns, embroidery supplies; linens; fancy work; hankies; sewing boxes; Stowa gold pocket watch & fob and others; 10 kg men’s ring; 14 kg Hamilton watch; men’s tie clips; watches; jewelry boxes & several boxes of costume jewelry; old flintlock gun wall hanger; brass horse; sets of baby buggy; old cameras; skeleton keys; Fleck’s salt & pepper sets beer related items including signs, trays, mirrors, glasses, salt & peppers, openers, & more; copper keg taps; wooden Teachers highland Cream Wisky box; lots of old knick knacks; antique pictures & frames; 45 & 78 rpm records; old toys; tricycles; roller skates & ice skates; metal toboggan; Radio Flyer wagon; crock bowl; kitchen utensils; Goofus glass; carnival & depression glass; butter crocks; blue & clear glass top fruit jars; old canning supplies; old marbles; books; tins; advertising ashtrays; mugs w/ advertising; lg cow bell; fishing reels; several tin minnow buckets; Toledo Torch heater; milk cans; wooden boxes; nail kegs; gunny sacks; old traps; box fans; pressure cookers; roasters; cake savers; bread pan; modern round pine kitchen table w/ leaf & 4 chairs; GE stacking washer & gas dryer; Coronado chest freezer; Toro 522 Rower Throw 5hp 22” snow blower; MTD Yard Machines 14.5hp/38” riding lawn mower; lawn chairs; garden tools; plus much more.
Irene & Harry Vrzal Estate
Auctioneers note: Harry & Irene owned and operated The Brass Rail in Montgomery for several years. This is a very partial listing. Please watch for updates and pictures at Real Estate & Personal Property AUCTION
Sunday, July 10 1:00 PM
703 2nd Street NE New Prague, MN 56071
Directions: North off of Main Street (Hwy 19/13) on Sunset Ave N. Located on corner of Sunset Ave N and 2nd St NE.
REAL ESTATE – sells at 3:00 pm to the Highest Bidder (No buyer’s premium charged)
Large 75’ x 126’ corner lot with side alley and several mature trees. Built in 1965, the home and garage is 24’ x 78’ Rambler (22’ x 24’ attached 2 car garage. Home has kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms and full bath with ceramic tile on main floor. Hardwood floors in dining room and bedrooms; cedar closet; basement partially finished with ¾ bath; baseboard hot water heat; 3 heat zones (2 up, 1 down) with digital thermostats. Improvements to home in 2008: new Buderus Logano Classic gas boiler furnace, Premier Plus gas water heater, North Star digital water softener, and attic insulation; new shingles in 2007; in ground sprinkler system. Very nice home.
Legal Description: Sunrise Acres 3rd Addition, Lot -004, Block-001 City of New Prague, Scott County, MN
Terms of Real Estate: To be sold in “As Is” condition, with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by seller or auctioneers. Purchase agreement to be executed at auction with Attorney Lee Vickerman of Shakopee, with $10,000 earnest money to be paid by winning bidder at conclusion of real estate auction. Final closing with Attorney Lee Vickerman (952.445.2817) 206 Scott Street, Shakopee, in approximately 30 days or sooner at which time balance of purchase price is due in full and sellers will provide a clear and marketable title and possession. Earnest money paid is non refundable if buyer fails to make full payment at closing. No contingencies will be accepted from buyer. Any surveying is at the buyer’s choice & expense. Pre-inspection is encouraged prior to auction. All bidders must have their finances in order before auction date. All information herein is believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely on their own information, inspection and judgement. Auctioneer represents seller. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. 2011 Estimated Market Value is $142,500. Property taxes for 2011 ($1975) paid by seller. For viewing contact auctioneer, Dan Turek at 507.364.8005 or 612.756.0704.
2003 Chevrolet Malibu LS, 3.1 – V6, loaded with cloth interior, CD, 4 door- 56,000 miles, burgundy. New tires, brakes, rotors, & transmission oil. Nice clean car.
Old mohair couch & chair-recovered, like new; ornate 1932 bedroom set includes full size bed, vanity w/ fancy etched glass mirror & glove boxes, vanity seat and chest of drawers; dining room table & 6 chairs; buffet; child;s bentwood rocker; smoking stand w/ gr depression ashtray; plant stand; side table w/book shelf; drop leaf table & 4 chairs w/ rosemaling; pr pressed back chairs; wooden highchair; Standard Case treadle sewing machine cabinet w/ White electric sewing machine; dressers & chests of drawers; misc. wooden chairs; 1969 full size bedroom set w/bed, chest of drawers, double dresser w/mirror; homemade elm drop leaf table w/2 leaves; wooden kitchen step stool; wooden storage cabinets; small thermometer from John F. Bruzek Funeral Service, Phone 111; Monnens & Hennen Fairway Foods Prior Lake #7 Watt bowl; H.E. Westerman clothes pin bag; small blue band crock bowl; old kitchen utensils; advertising items; 2 old sets of playing cards (Ferd. Piatnik & Sons – Vienna and set from Frankfurt); several boxes of costume jewelry; silver on copper tea set; dresser set; hobnail dresser box; fancywork; old pocket knives; tin NFO Member sign; Kolacky buttons (1949, 1961, 1964 & 1973 thru 2010); approx 5000 collector pin back festival buttons from the 1970’s to 2010; several albums w/photos of MN festivals & parades; boxes of baseball caps; souvenir medallions; full sheets of collector postage stamps; approx. 400 German, Czech, & Polka vinyl record albums; old record stands; pictures, frames, & mirrors; lg. braided rug; lamps; end tables; Kirby vacuum w/floor scrubber & shampooer; Dirt Devil Featherlite; feather quilt, bedding, & linens; Magic chef ’07 18cu ft frost free refrigerator/freezer; Daytron microwave, new in box; Hitachi 19” TV w/remote & converter box; Victor key safe; small kitchen appliances; pots, pans, & dishes; handicapped shower stool & high rise toilet chair; wooden bench; ladders; wheel barrow; lawn & garden tools; 3 gal tank sprayer; bike carrier; 3 portable deer stands; weather vane; hand tools; Ryobi 9.6v portable drill; Homelite leaf blower & attachments; Tool Shop 2hp 8 gal air compressor; lawn edger; old wooden tool chest; croquet lawn game; shop vac; 14” & 15” GM ‘60’s mag wheel covers; GM AM/FM 8 track GM car radio & tapes; R-12 freon & gauges; complete GM ‘70’s HEI distributer; plus much more.
Glenn F. Chalupsky - owner
Joan E. Sticha, Personal Representative
Auctioneer’s note: Mr. Chalupsky is 77 years old. Having moved to a nursing home, his real estate and personal property will be sold to the highest bidder. This is only a partial listing.