MARCH ESTATE AUCTION Watch website for date Montgomery Auction Barn 303 Montgomery Ave SE MN 56069
This is a very partial listing. Watch website for updates & pictures. Note – this is a live auction. No online bidding.
Kato beer case; Hennepin Bottling Co box; advertising thermometers (Lakeville, Winsted, Hamburg & more); Panatrope Exponential Type 106 phonograph; flowered enamel top table w/chrome legs; oak spoon carved commode; oak parlor table; Scotsman Swivel Seat shell box; Ladies green Arctic Cat jacket, size S; ladies hats, scarves, & gloves; Herter’s game call & Saccarometers; old fishing items including tackle, reels; minnow basket; 5 & 7 tine spears; lg metal “Welcome Aboard!” sign; antique catcher’s mitt & face guard; Schmidt Beer Welcome sign; railroad lantern; pictures; small rustic wooden benches; copper boiler; Jewelry (to be sold at approx. 11:00) including 50 vintage pins, over 100 pcs of sterling, copper, turquoise & gold jewelry, 2 ladies watches marked Rolex, & 9 Mickey/Minnie watches); pocket & character watches; S & P shakers; Royal Copley & McCoy items; Pig cookie jar; ice cream chair; pocket knives; Featherweight 221 & Spartan Singer sewing machines; old sewing items; craft items; “Minnesota The Land of Vikings” Beam bottle; jars of marbles; (4) 1964 Louis Marx Campus Cuties; Amsco metal Shu-Shine-Bank for Kids; Handy Andy tool box; toy phones; paper dolls; erector sets; wooden blocks; Lincoln logs; Nylint fire truck & Muscle Mover car hauler; Daisy Red Ryder BB gun; antique CI Christmas tree stands; Calabash pipe; tobacco drying basket; military items; canvas duffle bags; old padlocks including Standard Oil Co; Japanese “Bird of Paradise” teapot; vintage table lamps; antique floor lamps; clocks; license plates; several prs of name brand ladies sunglasses (Coach, Oakley, Anne Klein); old ice skates; enamelware; sausage stuffers; Dixie Belle ice cream maker; Heartland pint milk bottles; CI fry pans; old metal ice chest & water coolers; wooden & crock bowls; bread bowl; lg wooden easel; wooden newspaper bundling rack; folding adjustable height card tables; pressure cookers; glass top canning jars; table top pasteurizer; antique wooden carpenter’s trunk w/tools; antique tools; carpenter’s tool totes; No. 65½ Little Giant tap & die set; lg CI vises; wooden chicken crate; Walker Oil Filter Service metal display; oil cans; wash tubs on stands; pop cases; Tehachapi Mountain Bartlets crate; wood boxes & crates; wheel barrow; Coleman lanterns; CI Sierra wood stove; drafting tools; Arvin space heater; Brower MFG Co table top incubator; old hardware; brass torches; lg round saw blade; Remington Branch Wizard Pro electric pole saw; Craftsman Professional 73dB(A) gas blower; Wagner Pro Gold Contractor Series airless paint sprayer; Masterbuilt smoker; Yardman push mower w/Kohler 177cc; croquet set; garden tools; metal sprinkling can; washtubs; metal pails; hand meat slicer; mounted antlers; CI baker’s rack; green metal lawn chair; 2 weed wrenches; shepherd’s hooks; 3 cement bird baths; gazing ball on stand; cement planters; outdoor tables, ornamental items; fire pit; 2 floor model scales; small electric woodstove; double sunflower heater; John Deere X300 riding mower w/42”mulching deck, front mount 44”snowblower, weights, & chains.
Coins to be sold at 2:00 (watch website closer to date to see itemized list): 19 Morgan & 12 Peace silver dollars; 13 American Silver Eagles; folder of Roosevelt 49 silver dimes, 1946-1965 (missing ’65-D); 26 Indianhead cents.
Bill & Marian Meyer Estate of Madison Lake Estate from Prior Lake & others
Travis Turek Dan Turek 952.290.3984 507.364.8005 Montgomery 612.756.0704
Terms: Cash or check with/driver’s license (sorry, no credit or debit cards). No Buyer’s Premium Charged. We are required to charge Minnesota state sales tax. Picture ID required for bidding number. Buyer is responsible for items after purchase. All items must be paid for immediately following auction and before removing items. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents. All items sold “AS IS” and all sales are final – no exceptions.